JUNGLE COMPO 2 RESULTS (9/30/96) ------ ----- - ------- --------- FIRST OFF: Props to everybody on their beats (esp those who used time-streches :) ), there wasn't a shitty break in group! The outcome basically came down to who could do what with the other samples. On to the results: WINNERS : Yacob & Celsius Yacob - After listening to all the songs a couple of times through, I kept coming back to this one. The sinister bassline kept me interested and the song changed up enough to keep it from sounding repetitive. Wish I could've heard and amen break in this one. Celsius - Never to dissappoint, Celsius comes out with some FRESH beats in this one. Probably the most dynamic song in the group, this song will keep you interested. While I didn't like the bass as much ass Yacob's, I felt that it was too hard to have just one winner because both songs had their strong points. RESPECT: (in no particular order) Slc, Juice, Pan1k, Ooto, HBomb Slc - This song sounds like some definant work was put into it. It changes up quite a bit and while I'm not a big fan of the high pitched samples, this song deserves the credit due. Honorable mention. Juice - This song had a fresh bassline , but didnt change up quite as much so as some of the others. Big props for the breakdown around position 25 (the time-stretched 'rewind')! Nice use of the reverbed breaks also. Pan1k - The most interesting part of this song was the use of time stretching in the middle of a sample (used at the very beginning, good technique). The breaks were good, but didn't change up enough as much as I would've liked. A bassline would have been an added bonus. I see improvement from his earlier stuff though, so I expect even better shit in the future! Ooto - Excellent beats. Liked the use of the filter at the beginning. This song has a great start, but the bassline gets kind of funky shortly there after. This can overlooked though, as It's very easy to kick back and concentrate on the fresh breaks in this song. HBomb - Mad use of the justice break got me a little nostalgic for the old days ('92!), not too say that this song sounded old! Quite the contrary, HBomb brings out breaks that weren't even thought of back in the day.. While basically a good song, the bassline left a little to be desired. NOTES: It was VERY hard to judge this thing, thank GOD I won't have to do it for the next one (as I'll get my own chance to be judged :( )! Respect to all the artists and their crews for their support. See you all in the next one! Sheffra (sheffra@galaxy.galstar.com)